Solanum flahaultii


Solanum flahaultii distribution map
Solanum flahaultii distribution map

Solanum flahaultii is a Colombian species, possibly reaching slightly into Venezuela.  Plants reach about 18 inches tall.  Flowers purple or violet.  Conical berries. Tubers small and whitish.   Found in rich soils at elevations of  8,850 to 12,000 feet (2700 to 3650 m).

The specific epithet, flahaultii, honors French botanist Charles Flahault.  While there is no completely standardized pronunciation for scientific names, the most common way to pronounce this species is probably so-LAY-num fla-HOLE-ee-eye.

S. colombianum and S. flahaultii are closely related and may either be part of the same species or may interbreed where their ranges overlap.


Condition Type Level of Resistance Source
Globodera rostochiensis (Potato Cyst/Golden Nematode) Invertebrate Not resistant De Galarreta 1998
Phytophthora infestans (Late Blight) Fungus Not resistant De Galarreta 1998
Phytophthora infestans (Late Blight) Fungus Some resistance Gonzales 2002, Perez 2007
Potato Leafroll Virus (PLRV) Virus Resistant De Galarreta 1998
Potato Virus M (PVM) Virus Not resistant De Galarreta 1998
Potato Virus S (PVS) Virus Not resistant De Galarreta 1998
Potato Virus Y (PVY) Virus Not resistant De Galarreta 1998

Glykoalkaloid content

No information.


Solanum flahaultii plant
Solanum flahaultii plant
Solanum flahaultii plant
Solanum flahaultii plant
Berries of the wild potato species Solanum flahaultii
Solanum flahaultii berries


I have found seeds of this species slow and difficult to germinate using the standard conditions for S. tuberosum.


EBN has not been established for this species, but it will almost certainly be either 2EBN or 4EBN.  There are AP polyploids with both EBN levels.

Crosses with S. tuberosum

Female Male Berry Set
Seed Set Germ Ploidy Source

Crosses with other species

Female Male Berry Set
Seed Set Germ Ploidy Source


Solanum flahaultii at Solanaceae Source

Solanum flahaultii at GRIN Taxonomy

Solanum flahaultii at CIP