
The best way to reach me is email.  I don’t text or use any messaging apps and, while I have a phone, we are on the ragged edge of cell coverage and I rarely look at it, much less answer it. The last two digits of the help email address are the current year and this changes, you guessed it, every year.

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Please note that I am an unreliable correspondent, particularly at some times of the year.  I also have a high volume of email.  I have a particularly bad habit of setting aside emails that require the most thought and forgetting to get back to them.  So, if I don’t respond, please don’t take it personally and try again.


There is a customer support forum if you can’t reach me any other way.  This is a public forum, so be careful about what you post.

Snail Mail

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13 thoughts on “Contact

  1. Brandt Maxwell says:

    Just wanted to say “hi”. I live in San Diego, which while is much warmer than the Washington coast, the fact that temperatures don’t change as much as in the interior of the US helps us grow some of the plants from the Andes (as well as some, but not all, plants from lower elevations). I see some seeds that are available (such as sea kale), so I might make a purchase soon. Perhaps when some of the tubers are available, I might make a purchase (if there’s enough left). What I grow is rare fruits (and some less rare, like mangoes, since I’m just barely warm enough–and for the tree ripened fruits!) and a mix of veggies (including edible flowers). Good luck with making some of the rare veggies more available to more people–there are many thousands of fruits, veggies, seeds, nuts, legumes, etc. that people can eat around the world, yet the average person has probably had far less than 100.

  2. Steven Seaman says:


    First, I love what you are doing, love it. People often ask why I am doing things with plants so I just don’t say it anymore. I think people like you would understand. Perhaps I will start something like you have, but with my own experiments. I have some wild or less domesticated plants that I will be crossing as well to try and make them a more practical crop for my area.

    Do you know anyone who is doing this sort of thing with sweet potatoes? I love sweet potatoes but the selection for purchase seems to be limited.

    Anyway, thanks so much and keep it up.


    • bill says:

      Hi Steven. I wish that I could do this kind of work with sweet potatoes, but I’m just not in the right climate. I am playing around with trying to breed cooler climate sweet potatoes, but it is slow going.
      The good news is that there are quite a few people working on this. You should check out the Open Source Plant Breeding Forum, where there are a lot of members working on sweet potato breeding.

  3. Candace says:

    In awe…SO WONDERFUL what you are doing! After reading your article on hopniss/Apia americana I had great hopes of getting a start of your more developed cultivar. But don’t see any offered.
    I have been researching/growing toward a full sustainable plant based diet here in zone 7-8 for the last 40 yrs. I covered that essentially, saved seeds, kept minimal growing for our personal needs. Had to refocus last 5 yrs. on: see As that nears completion and people are approaching us to get out of the cities due to covid, it’s time to go full throttle on the sustainable diet. Will focus on upping stable seed production for full diet production next year. But hard to resist more trials! I researched the “ground nut” in the past but it was too iffy. Your more developed version would make it well worth trying. Please let me know if you have any available or know of another source of a “developed” cultivar..
    My present wonderful 18yr old volunteer will be thrilled when he learns about you. Need help? Will keep an eye on your other offerings and hope to catch some before they sell out next time. Praise on you for this beautiful gift of your work to humanity! Warmly, Candace

  4. Kenneth Stensrud says:

    I have tried to buy some seeds from you, but there is some difficulty in getting the purchase through…. It says that a street address is needed… but my streetaddress are stated……..

    • bill says:

      Is your address outside the US? That is the most common reason. I don’t ship to other countries, because there are almost none that allow seeds or tubers of these crops to be imported without quarantine.

  5. Della Heywood says:

    I’m wondering if you ship these tubers or seeds to Canada? Port Alberni, BC to be exact.
    Or do you know of anyone working with Yacon in Canada?


    • bill says:

      Hi Della. Seeds only to Canada. There are definitely people growing yacon in Canada for personal use, but I’m not aware of anyone offering it at the moment.

  6. Justin Low says:

    I have been looking for some Jerusalem Artichokes and stumbled upon you and you seem to have a wide variety. I was wondering if there any way I could purchase some type of small variety pack with different varieties?

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