Cultivariable Status

If you have placed an order and did not receive an email, please check your spam folder.  Gmail, in particular, loves to classify my emails as spam.  You can also look up the status of your order or message me under My AccountAlso, the following domains (among others) do not reliably accept emails from Cultivariable:,,,,,,,,,,

Sep 13, 2024: I am reorganizing the web site, so things might be a bit messy the next couple of weeks.

May 22, 2024: I have raised the prices on standard seed packets from $6.50 to $8.50.  I didn’t want to.  I have held seed prices steady since before the pandemic, but my meager profit margins have been eaten up by the higher prices that I am paying for everything.  I hoped that would level off, but it hasn’t and I probably should have done this sooner.  The alternative was to reduce seed counts, but the number of seeds that I include in a packet is not arbitrary: I arrived at the number by observing the typical beginner results.  Reducing the number of seeds would increase the odds of failure.  Sorry, I know that everyone is tired of seeing higher prices everywhere they look, but it seems we are stuck with this for a while.

May 16, 2024: Anyone with an outstanding order from this or any prior year should by now have either received their order or a refund check.  If I owe you something that has not been fulfilled or refunded, please get in touch (