Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus Infects Yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius)

I noticed some subtle but consistent leaf malformation in some yacon that I am propagating this year.  (This is not a named or publicly available variety – I use it for breeding.)  I wasn’t sure if this was an intrinsic trait or externally caused, but I don’t remember seeing this before, so I decided to […]

FAQ: True Potato Seed for the Apocalypse

Periodically, I get lots of questions about true potato seeds as an insurance policy against some sort of failure of the agricultural or food delivery system.  The reasoning is straightforward enough: potato tubers don’t keep indefinitely and they take up a lot of space.  True potato seeds last much longer and require very little space.  […]

The Beginner’s Guide to True Potato Seed (TPS)

Potatoes from Cultivariables 2018 wide diploid TPS mix

There is a lot of information on this website about growing potatoes from true potato seed, but I often hear from people who are interested but who don’t have the time to read all of that material.  If you have heard about TPS and are wondering if it is something that you would enjoy trying […]