New Variety Introductions for 2016

I’ve announced a lot of achievements that I was proud of in this blog, but this might be my favorite. These are the new varieties that we have produced in the past couple of years, all of which have been released under the terms of the Open Source Seed Initiative pledge. That picture represents thousands of hours of work and we think that the varieties may be the first new introductions grown from seed in North America for all four crops. By making them open source, we hope to encourage others to breed these crops under similar terms and to maintain the commitment to diversity and unfettered exchange that have been exemplified for thousands of years by the original creators of these crops: the peoples of the Andean highlands.


Pictured left to right and top to bottom: Quinault yacon, Sockeye oca, Moclips ulluco, Wishkah oca, Mocrocks oca, Humtulips ulluco, Redshift oca, and Copalis mashua.  Most of them are available in the store this year, at least in small quantity.  Next year, we should have them all up to full rows.


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